
A project to upload and store audio and text of speeches.

Developing the SayIt App

The SayIt app is built on Phonegap/Cordova 2.2.0, using Backbone.js 0.9.9 and jQuery Mobile 1.2.0.

General Structure

The app is built around a single global object: SPOKE which has some modules added to it via a liberal use of Underscore’s extend. Each module is usually inside its own file and declared inside an IEF. At the moment each module does the extending of SPOKE itself, which is probably not ideal, and it should instead just export an object which we can choose to assign, like we do for the instances of Backbone routers and collections we use.

The global variable gets declared in index.html and then mainly fleshed out from a Backbone point-of-view in phonegap/www/js/app.js, which is also the main entry/starting point for the code.

Backbone and jQuery Mobile


Because both Backbone and jQM like to do ajaxy single-page app things, they both try to listen to url/hash changes in the browser and act on them.

Unforunately, this means that left to their own devices they clash and break our app. To fix this, we have to add some configuration for jQM to tell it to stop trying to be a router and let Backbone do it.

This is found in phonegap/www/js/jqm-config.js along with some other configuration stuff.


As well as the routing, there is the slight problem that jQuery Mobile does all sorts of clever things to the page markup, adding bits and bobs (lots of classes and some html) to your document in order to produce its styling from the data- attributes you add to your markup.

This is a problem because it expects to be in charge of the whole page-loading process and hence know when to do this. It also (rather sillily) expects to only have to do this once for each page, ie: it doesn’t expect you to add or change the markup and want the magic done again.

The way Backbone works, by constantly adding/removing/changing the dom instead of loading real new pages, means that you need to do this quite a lot, and so I add some extra calls to jQM to force it to do its stuff over again. This is usually in the render methods for any view and looks something like:


For whole-page views. For sub-elements there are a variety of things you can trigger with a varying degree of success usually. jQM is working on improving that, but it’s currently been pushed to version 1.4 at least I think, so if in doubt, trigger pagecreate again, it doesn’t seem to do any harm.


For now, all the templates are inside the index.html in <script type="text/template"> tags and use the standard Underscore templating language because I haven’t found anything I can’t do with it yet. If we end up with loads more we can move them into their own file(s), but then we’ll have to do something like use require.js (not neccessarily a bad thing) to load them in, and testing things locally will need a web server running. All overhead which I tried to avoid for the time being.


The views are pretty standard Backbone views, though they have a bit of a whiff of Controllers about them in that they manage a lot of the actual logic of starting/stopping recordings, uploading etc. This is mainly because most of things happen on some kind of direct event from a view element (eg: a button click, etc) and Backbone has a nice thing that binds these events and handles unbinding them too.

Where I’ve strayed from the built-in code a little is in the way I do sub-views, which is copied from this chap.

Put simply, I have a view for whole pages and then views for components inside them. The whole-page view manages the main jQuery Mobile page, which contains placeholders for the bits the sub-views add. The main page view then hands each sub-view a DOM element to play with in the way mr Storm Taylor describes in the link above.

I’ve also added a (perhaps poorly named) destroy method to each whole-page view, which handles removing all the subviews as well as itself.

Models & Storage

There are two types of models in the app, kind of matching the data in the website.


Firstly we have speakers, which use the standard Backbone method of supplying a url (in this case a PopIt url) and syncing from that. We don’t let people add speakers, so this is just a GET operation. The only tricksy part is that we override the parse method on the collection to automatically add an “Unknown” speaker at the top of the list.


The second kind of model is Recordings, which is more complicated because it is stored in several places.

The real Backbone model data is stored in local storage via the Backbone.localStorage module, part of this data is a path to a recording file which is saved on the phone’s SD card (or internal storage) via Phonegap’s File apis.

This real file stuff happens in our custom module: phonegap/www/js/files.js.

Recordings are then uploaded manually (ie: rather than through the Backbone magic) by some more of the Phonegap apis, because we need to send the audio file as well as the model data.