Dataset: Scorecard data (all)

Processed and raw data for the 2022 Council Climate Scorecards




Individual tables

  • Authority scores - For each authority, percentage score for each section and the overall weighted total.
  • Individual answers - The scored value for each question for each authority. If a Council had no plan publicly available then all boxes are blank.
  • Questions list - List of questions used, and the allowed values and scores
  • Section labels and weights - Mapping of short section IDs to long labels, and the weighting used in the overall score
  • Section Scores - By authority, the scores received for each section and the total possible for that authority type.

Table: Authority scores

Description: For each authority, percentage score for each section and the overall weighted total.

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
official-name string Long form name of local authority Yes
local-authority-code string Three letter code of local authority Yes
s1_gov integer Rounded percentage score for 'Governance, development and funding' No
s2_m&a integer Rounded percentage score for 'Mitigation and adaptation' No
s3_c&a integer Rounded percentage score for 'Commitment and intergration' No
s4_coms integer Rounded percentage score for 'Community, engagement and communications' No
s5_mset integer Rounded percentage score for 'Measuring and setting emissions targets' No
s6_cb integer Rounded percentage score for 'Co-benefits' No
s7_dsi integer Rounded percentage score for 'Diversity and inclusion' No
s8_est integer Rounded percentage score for 'Education, skills and training' No
s9_ee integer Rounded percentage score for 'Ecological emergency' No
weighted_total integer Rounded percentage overall score for authority (with weighting applied by section) No
local-authority-type-name string The type of local authority No
council-quintile number Local authorities average IMD deprivation grouped into five deciles (1 is most deprived, 5 is least deprived) No
pop_bucket string Local authorities grouped into different population sizes No
region string Nation or region of UK the local authority is in No
ruc_cluster string Urban/Rural nature of the local authority No
political_control string Political control at the time the plans were scored No
group string Scorecard group (used for comparison purposes) No

Table: Individual answers

Description: The scored value for each question for each authority. If a Council had no plan publicly available then all boxes are blank.

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
answer_id string Unique ID for an answer to a question by an authority Yes
local-authority-code string 3 letter code for local authority No
question_id string ID for question No
audited_answer string The result assigned to the question by the marker No
score number The score the answer translate to No
max_score integer The maximum score avaliable for the question. No

Table: Questions list

Description: List of questions used, and the allowed values and scores

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
question_id string Unique ID for a question Yes
Question description string Full text description of the question Yes
Options string The kind of response allowed to the question (generally checkbox). HEADER is used for grouping purposes. No
Scores string Map of scores to different answers No

Table: Section labels and weights

Description: Mapping of short section IDs to long labels, and the weighting used in the overall score

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
section_id string ID for section (group of questions) Yes
section_name string Description of questions in sections. Yes
section_weight number Weighting applied to the section percentage in the final result. No

Table: Section Scores

Description: By authority, the scores received for each section and the total possible for that authority type.

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
local-authority-code string 3 letter code for authority No
section string Section short ID (a section is a group of questions) No s1_gov, s2_m&a, s3_c&a, s4_coms, s5_mset, s6_cb, s7_dsi, s8_est, s9_ee
max_score integer Maximum score avaliable for section No
score number Score this authority received for this section No
section_name string Descriptive name for section (group of questions) No